Proverbs 12:11 (New International Version) He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.
I'm not much for working the land myself, but my husband has been working so many hours lately that I felt I had to go out into the HEAT and help. There is a reason that the smart people here in Texas get up and do yard work first thing in the morning and don't wait until it's 90something degrees outside.
So my 14 yr. old son had helped his dad to mow the front and back yard. We don't actually have that much grassed yard because of the pool, so it doesn't take long. Hubby and I kept working and let our son go get ready to go somewhere a little while later. It is his two month-iversary of dating his little girlfriend and he wanted to go to the mall with her.
T had earned his chore money for the week...didn't do the greatest job but, hey I thought I'd be nice and give it to him anyway. His dad also owed him some money and that would come to $25. In my opinion, that should be plenty (ok, at least enough) to go hang out at the mall. I would've considered loaning him some extra money, but his track record on payback is not at all good.
T then he decided to have a fit because "you can't do anything with $25!!" (add whining and yelling and slamming things around). This ended up leading to him not getting to go at all and had to work with me in the yard instead.
Problem is that now I feel bad, because while he was working with me he got stung by a caterpillar. Evidently these things hurt. From what I can tell from searching the internet, this is an Io moth caterpillar. I guess I would say that they're kinda cute, but according to my son they hurt REALLY BAD. All of those spiky things have some kind of venom in them.

A few minute after I took this picture, the above caterpiller had a date with the executioner. T chopped him in half and said "let that be a lesson to the rest of them". That made him feel somewhat He's sleeping now because of the benadryl I gave him and the finger that was stung looks pretty much normal, so he'll be fine. :::sigh:::
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