Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bunco Night

Tonight we are playing bunco and it's our turn to host. This is what it looks like when you roll a bunco. We paint the 6s red because we are all old and half blind. Ahem, I mean so we can see them better because once you roll this, the other team can steal them from you for more points. I want to roll lots of these because the person who rolls the most of them by the end of the time we play wins $25.

And this is what a baby bunco looks like. It's also a baby bunco when you roll all 2s, 3s, 4s, or 5s. I'd like to roll bunches of these too as they are worth $15 to the person who rolls the most.

We have been part of a couples bunco group for over ten years now and we always have so much fun. I just like it better when it's not at my house, mostly because I'm not a great housekeeper. So today will be a work day. I wish I were one of those women whose homes look like a Better Homes and Gardens advertisement, but alas I am not...not by a long shot.

Actually, I should be cleaning now instead of blogging. In the past, I would've been frantically cleaning, terrified that someone was going to see how we really live, but the older, calmer, don'tcaresomuchthatyouseemyhouseisdirty me will blog instead (and then go frantically clean!).

Lord please help me not to scream, yell, rant, and so my family today as we try to prepare our home for company. Unfortunately, by the time I actually got around to posting this I had already yelled at my husband...sorry honey. Lord please also keep my guests from seeing the inch thick dust that is on something I forgot about. Finally, thank you Lord for good friends and good fun!


His Girl said...

Oh! you just made me miss my bunco group!


have a great night!

Jenn @ Casa de Castro said...

You crack me up - again! I'm not a great housekeeper either, but my husband is a little obsessive about that stuff. Our compromise was to get a PAID housekeeper twice a month. She does all the stuff I hate to do, and that makes it more manageable. If Studly's new venture takes off and supplies enough income for me to quit my job, I'm afraid I'll have to say goodbye to the housekeeper. I won't have the excuse of a full time job outside the home to keep me from cleaning more/better. I have a friend who ENJOYS cleaning. Seriously - what is WRONG with her? ;)

Hope your party was fun.