Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jesus, I want to be more like you...

I really do want to be more like Jesus. He is the ultimate respector of people. Jesus allows us to make our own decisions, bad or good, and then we suffer our own consequences. He's not the type to rant at us, the way we sometimes do with our children. He respects our free will in decisions to do whatever we decide to do.

I sit here in ISS (in school suspension) and I try so hard to be respectful, even in the face of disrespect. Some of these kids know nothing about respect. They don't know how to give it, nor what it is like to receive it much. On a good day, I remind myself of what their lives must be like. Most have parents that don't care and many of their teachers have for the most part, given up on them. So to respect them is the least I can do if I expect others to see Christ reflected in me.

I know that when I do something wrong, Jesus wouldn't be one to yell out "geez, what an idiot!" So I don't want to be a person who even thinks that, much less says it out loud. I know that my thoughts show on my face. Respect is what I am trying to teach these children, if nothing else. And wow, sometimes that is not easy...especially with kids who are constantly difficult. That's when I have to use prayer, a LOT of prayer.

Please Lord, help me to show more of You and less of me in how I treat all the people around me, not just the ones who are dealt with easily.


Gretchen said...

What a beautiful prayer. May it be mine as well. Bless you for your ministry with the forgotten kids, Suzanne.

Sheryl said...

suzanne - they are blessed to have you there. so many don't even "see" these kids let alone thinking about how they could pour into their lives.

love ya,

His Girl said...

I have a special heart for the world's rottenest kids...posts like this make me so happy, knowing there is hope for those kids because someone is willing to look at them through Jesus' eyes.