I'm frustrated about some things right now, including my current work schedule and the raising of teenagers. And I don't like to sound like a whiner, but...
Initially, it seemed as though my schedule at work was going to be extremely busy. Then I found out that for multiple reasons it's actually slightly boring. The majority of the kids they have me paired up with need very little help. I love the teachers I'm working with, so some of the time I could just sit and chat, but I just feel like I could be doing so much more.
The kids in the original class where I was need help all the time, some of them with every math question they have and I like being busy with them. At least I can see the kiddos who really need me and help them some, since I keep my things in their room and stop off there often.
Then there's the raising of teenagers. I get so frustrated with them at times. Between K's meltdowns and T's lackadaisical attitude , I'm just about tired of raising kids at the moment. Well I'm exaggerating, but I do wish someone else would step in and deal out the discipline, handle the arguments and make sure homework actually gets done. Then I can just be the cool mom I want to be and my children will adore me. I can dream, can't I?!?
Anyone there?
6 years ago
I hear ya...don't we all wish we could be the cool parent? ;)
Hang in there!
Four words:
This too shall pass!
Hang in there. They're worth loving and being frustrated with, and I know you know that. I also know that my mom was prematurely grey because of my teenage years!
Hope the rest of your week is better.
When I read your post, my first thoughts to you were Jenn's words. "This too shall pass."
I've been there and done that and "boy, oh boy" I know what you mean. Now, I look back and it passed rather quickly. At the time it didn't, though.
Here's a blog hug for you. The only stipulation is that it has to be multiplied. You have to give it to your kiddos today and at least one student at school. It will be a GREAT day.
Will pray that your work situation becomes something that fits best with your talents and abilities.
Sorry about the teen angst thing. I actually emailed my hubby yesterday, telling him that motherhood wasn't the go-to love of my life yesterday...
It really will pass.
It will.
Right? ;)
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