Saturday, June 28, 2008

Birthdays don't always go as planned...


Romans 5:3-5 (New International Version)
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Yesterday was one of those days you wished you had tried to go back to bed and wake up to find things were different. No, nothing really horrible happened. Everyone is still healthy. It was just one of those days (or maybe weeks really) when all these little (and sometimes not so little) things kept happening that kind of get you down. Plus it was my husband's birthday.

First a little background information. My husband has a new job after having a job for 8 1/2 years that he hated. For 8 1/2 years he worked for people who seemingly had no direction or purpose for their company. It was just one bad decision after another, and all of that combined with the fact that they didn't give my husband a single raise during that long time period (after he'd taken a small pay cut to go work for them in the first place). Needless to say, we were thrilled when he got his new job a couple of months ago and had high hopes that good changes were ahead.

Well the new job didn't quite turn out to be what my husband had been told it would. He is making better money, but that came with working more hours...a LOT more hours. What was supposed to be a once a month or so phone call or page in the middle of the night turned out to be happening once every night or two. Plus his boss decided to let him handle a problem where he has to check on a computer job at 4am seven days a week. And even when he's been up sometimes hours and hours at night, he still has to work his regular hours. So hubby's not getting enough sleep...and he loves his sleep.

So take all this lack of sleep and dealing with not-so-nice new boss and add it to regular every day problems and you have a great recipe for grumpy daddy. Then you add a birthday which makes him feel OLD (he's only 43...). You may have heard the saying "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy", well in our house it's generally daddy instead of mama.

Now we already know that daddy's not a very happy camper and we couldn't even get him to commit to what he wanted to do for his birthday...just a kind of pouty "I dunno". But I'm still determined to do something to make sure he has a good birthday.

Then I got up yesterday morning and looked out the back door. The pool water level was down...hmmm, that's interesting because I had added water the night before and the water level was a little high. That's odd. So I walked out and looked down into the pool...the pool my husband loves and the pool I had planned on spending his birthday evening leisurely floating around with him after a nice dinner with family. Well that's not what happened because the pool has a crack. It is a fiberglass in-ground pool and there is a big crack through which the water is flowing down into the ground at a rate of a couple of inches in pool depth every hour.

That was the last thing I wanted to tell my husband on his birthday, especially since his mood hadn't been great in the first place. AAAHHHHH!! I actually considered going back to bed in hopes that I would wake up to find it had been a bad dream. Then I spent half the day sick at my stomach over not wanting to tell him the bad news. Oh well, he took the news as well as could be expected.

So then when he got home he decided he wanted to go out for sushi. And on our way to dinner we see a cop in the rear view mirror. Then hubby asks me, "is your inspection expired?". "Umm yeah, it is". "Oh *!@^%". Then we see lights in the rear view mirror. Officer walks up to the window and asks for I.D. and current insurance (can't find current insurance). Then the officer asks us if we know Rhonda Somebody. Nope, never heard of her, but evidently a car with our description and tags has her name attached to it in some way and she has warrants out for her arrest.

Praise the Lord, the officer let us go with just a warning about the inspection and insurance after making sure that I wasn't Rhonda Somebody. By this time I was in tears and had told him that it was hubby's birthday and had been "one of those days"...

After all was said and done, we did have a very nice dinner with our adult daughter and her boyfriend (the guy who always makes people laugh). After the people at the sushi place found out it was hubby's b-day they made him a beautiful plate of sashimi where the fish looked like flowers (for free!). Then at the end of dinner they brought him out another beautiful dessert plate with green tea ice cream and a lot of fruit all with chocolate drizzled on it (again, for free!!). That was nice.

And today we are trying to figure out what we will do about the pool...


Sheryl said...

whoa! what a day, but it sounds like it all turned out okay in the end. maybe not the pool, but everything else. i'm actually a little bit jealous of your all excitement!!

love ya and happy belated to your hubby.


... said...

i hope this is just one of those phases that passes quickly.

i think the worse is your husband's job situation. i know what it's like to have a job you're not happy in (if not downright miserable). i hope something changes for him.

and good luck with the pool.

His Girl said...

I know how it is to have days (and new jobs) like that. I will be praying it all to come together for Good!