Friday, June 6, 2008

School's Out!!

Wow! What a week this was! No one told me the last bit of school could be so crazy. It has just been one of those weeks that didn't seem to ever want to end.

I found out this week that I wouldn't get to bring home my laptop because I'm not a "professional teacher", just an aid. That means that I'm typing this on an old desktop computer (not nearly as comfy as sitting in my recliner, but I guess I'll survive). Plus I found out that next year the two ladies I work with and I will not have the little office (actually a closet off of a science, I'm not kidding) that we had this year and the people in those positions had for many years. We were told that the space was needed for other things and the principal was not at all very nice about the way we were told (we found out after a teacher walked in and started putting his things there) was really upsetting. Then we were told that next year we could use the teacher break room/lunch room and just sit in there since the only time it was really used was at lunch time (wow, we weren't told to just go hang out in a bathroom stall...)

So I spent a couple of days this week feeling like I was being punished for something after working my rear end off all year long. I was really in shock at the way the principal treated me and my co-worker. It felt as though there was no appreciation whatsoever for how hard we work. Then when I was signing out after turning in keys and such, the principal gives me a hug and tells me she's really glad I'll be returning next year. This week in bizarro world!!

School's out for summer!!! Does anyone else hear Alice Cooper in your head?

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

oh yea, i hear alice cooper loud and clear! i bet you're thrilled to be done. isn't it funny how people's actions lead you to believe one thing and then they do something like hug you!! i'm glad you got the hug, you deserved it. enjoy the time off.