I've been struggling lately, really struggling, but thanks to Jesus, Jess and a few other friends I'm posting this anyway. It is really difficult for me to post when I'm struggling. satan tells me that I shouldn't show that to the world and be such a downer. he tells me to hide this part of who I am. he laughs at me and mocks me during times like this. he is the one in my head who constantly belittles me. Like a mean spirited little child, he yells stupid! stupid! stupid! while I cower in fear inside my head. I don't know why I listen to him at times, but I do.
I have been fighting off panic attacks for the last few weeks. I haven't had a full blown panic attack yet and desperately hope I won't, but it's been an almost constant battle to keep from it. I know that God is here with me in a time like this, but it is so hard to feel his presence. I remind myself over and over, what I know to be true in an effort to stave off the chest pains and hyperventilation.
So how can I continue to say I live a victorious life in Christ when I am in a time like this? How can I say that I've gone "from fear to victory" when I let fear get r.i.g.h.t. u.p. i.n. m.y. f.a.c.e? Where is the change in me that proves the victorious life? There has been a change. That is what is so hard for me in a time like this. Admitting that I still let my fears get to me when I KNOW in my heart, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I do have a victorious life in Christ now. I want to tell myself I have been healed and that I no longer have fear as a companion!
Last night I went to the bible study at my church for the first time in a while. We are doing a Beth Moore study called God's Dwelling Place. In a video, Beth talked about how the people of Israel acted when God gave them manna to eat. She talked about how God only gave them enough for one day at a time (except for the day before the Sabbath) and how the people couldn't store the manna up to keep for later as it would rot. God wanted to show them that He would provide for them daily and that they should trust Him to do so.
Beth Moore also talked about how she felt that the people's actions in trying to store up manna for future days were rooted in pride and/or fear. The pride part was that they wanted to provide for themselves rather than trust God to do so and the fear part was that they wondered if God would provide daily and were afraid to trust Him to do so.
I know I'm dealing with fear issues right now, but didn't realize the pride part that has been a problem for me lately. Maybe the part of me who wants to believe I've been healed from fear is in actuality, prideful in that I want to say I'm better than that now. Shouldn't my relationship with Christ mean that I am healed in a way that means I never need fear again? Of course it does, but do I still feel the fear? Yup, still human!
Maybe the fear that is part of my struggle, like Jess' hands, could be healed with just a word from God. Then again, maybe it won't be healed right now because God has a purpose for this pain, for this fear. Maybe my fear is the common denominator between me and someone else that helps that someone else to understand how you can still feel the fear and yet do it God's way.
So I ask myself again, where is the change that proves the victorious life? I think the biggest change I've seen in the way I handle fear is that it seldom overtakes me in the same way that it used to. In the past, I would have run for the xanax (calming medicine, for those of you who don't know) so fast it would make your head spin. In the past, I would've had the full blown panic attack by now without it. In the past, I didn't know that peace that passes understanding. In the past, I didn't trust Jesus to get me through the fear.
I'm not saying that I will never end up having a full blown panic attack. I might. STILL human. I'm not saying that I won't end up running to the xanax occasionally. What I am saying is that whatever happens, I now know that Jesus will get me through it.
Click Here for More About Victory Over Fear
Anyone there?
6 years ago
Oh, Suzanne! How my heart hurts for you. I battled panic disorder for many years and was a slave to Xanax. And yes, I was a rooted-in-the-Word believer at the time. One of satan's biggest lies is that as believers we "shouldn't" be fighting battles with emotional and mental issues. This, like EVERYTHING else he says, is a lie from the it of hell. Because of sin in the world, we will have to face the giants in the land. And there are often physiological components contributing as well.
In my experience, learning to just breathe was key. The chest pain and shortness of breath are the PHYSICAL manifestations of the fear. Forcing myself to take long, slow, deep breaths helped. I later learned it is because in the midst of a panic attack, the brain becomes starved for oxygen. Makes sense.
The other thing that really helped me was a simple acronym about fear:
F - false
E - evidence
A - appearing
R - real
satan wanted to continue to deceive me and keep me beliving his lies. A hundred times a day, I'd whisper "Lord, bind satan from my heart and mind and rain down your perfect peace that passes understanding in THIS moment." He was faithful EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Now, some 21 years after the most intense part of my battle, I can tell you there IS life abundant on the other side, and it is FULL of joy. It has been many, many years since I've had a panic attack, but even I should face one again, I know I can be victorious over it. Don't let satan guilt you into doubting your faith or God's desire to bless you. Guilt is not of God.
Know that I will be praying very specifically for you and believing with you that the victory is indeed yours as a child of the Living God!
Blessings, dear one.
Suzanne, first of all - love ya!! satan is lying to you just by letting you think that as a believer you should have no fears and never have a panic attack again. you start rebuking that "peace stealer" and start claiming the promises of Jesus. we don't know why God doesn't heal some things completely. but we do know He only allows it if He can bring something better.
you have been a blessing to many by being willing to share your story. take back the ground. you are an overcomer especially because you give all the glory to God.
praying with you
i read this post earlier this week and i've been meaning to comment to let you know how much it blessed me. plus, you are such a great writer one of the most transparent; read.... thank you ---- love, jess
P.S. i love the new pictures!
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