About a year and a half ago I wrote something I would describe as a childlike perspective of the Lord's Prayer. I have wanted to share it for a while, but sometimes I worry too much about what others will think of my writing. I wrote it right after I found out that my friend and counselor Jeanette had cancer. It was an extremely difficult time for me and I was learning to lean on God. Here is what I wrote:
Our Father
Hi Daddy!
Who art in heaven
Far away, but still near to me
Hallowed be your name
Best daddy in the whole world? No, wait. Best daddy in the universe? No…. best daddy EVER, best daddy POSSIBLE! Yeah! That’s it!
Your kingdom come
I want the world to be what you want the world to be! Really!
Your will be done
What can I do to help you? Pick me! Pick me!
On earth as it is in heaven
Can we make my place look just like your place? Please!?
Give us this day our daily bread
You’re the ONLY one who can give me what I need
Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
I’m really sorry I hit my brother and I still love him even though he hit me first. He’s still my brother after all.
And lead us not into temptation
I trust you to remind me when I shouldn’t touch the hot stove or run out into the street
But deliver us from evil
And when you’re ready, I’m ready to come be with you forever.
Wow, I’m reminded by the fact that the last line of that didn’t come easy and the reason is that I struggled for so long to understand why God lets bad things happen to us. It's hard to understand when we feel like he doesn't deliver us from evil.
In a perfect world, we would all be able to compare our earthly fathers to our heavenly Father, but we live in a fallen world; a world where our earthly fathers are so NOT perfect. Sometimes our earthly fathers do horrible things, like in my case. I've shared a little about it in My Story.
I am so thankful to know that God is nothing like my earthly father. I'm so thankful that I can trust Him. I am so thankful that He cares for me. And mostly, I am so thankful that I am His child.
Anyone there?
6 years ago
I love it!
I see no reason to worry about what people think about your writing - GREAT job!
I'm glad you're His child too, 'cuz that makes you my sister.
Have an awesome weekend.
This is profound. I love that you shared it. More, please!
Also, I really like your new background. Fun.
Me too Suzanne. Me too.
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